Posted on 5/1/2019

HEY MOTHER NATUREWho made you mad? It’s been a long, cold, and snowy winter one like we haven’t seen in years. I believe the younger generation has never experienced a winter like this one. On the positive side, the days are longer and getting warmer, or so we thought. A couple of weeks ago, I sat at my desk looking out the window admiring the Mighty Mississippi with the bluffs of Illinois starting to pop with green. The temperature was almost 80 degrees. Days like these get us thinking of outdoor activities and delicious BBQ’s. Then Mother Nature throws us a 1-2 punch. The sky’s turn gray with rain and the wind blows relentlessly. As I was heading for home, I checked the weather on my phone. WHAT? A feels like temperature of 28 degrees and possible snow on April 27th! A fool I was for not bringing a coat that day. This is just cruel!   ... read more