Posted on 12/23/2021

We expect the driving conditions to worsen as the season changes to winter. Just like the first few flakes of a snowstorm start building up, so is traffic. Avoiding the road during winter is a good idea. But if you live in an area where winter weather is full of snow and ice, avoiding using the road can be unrealistic. It will be helpful to winterize your car before winter strikes. Plan a maintenance check-up for the car's tires, battery, brakes, radiator, oil, lights, wipers, belts and hoses. Ensure the tires have the correct pressure before hitting the road during winter. Here are additional tips to help you drive safely during winter Ensure you have a Survival Kit Your car should have your survival kit all the time, but ensure you have it readily during winter. The kit should contain gloves, Booster cables Mall shovel First aid kit Water bottles Windshield wiper fluid First aid kit Torch Snowbrush Candles Safety vest Non-perishable energy foods. Check the Weather ... read more