Posted on 8/29/2022
There are certain smells that are considered normal for your vehicle, but some unusual smells usually indicate a bigger problem at hand. You might have air fresheners or sweaty gym clothes in your car, but when you smell gasoline, oil, or a burning odor, it is important to get down to the bottom of the problem quickly. Here are some strange car scents and what they can mean for your vehicle: Gasoline While this smell may be normal when you’re filling up at the gas station, it should not linger as you pull away from the pump. If you continue to catch these strong fumes while driving, please check around for a gas leak. Gasoline leaks are common with worn fuel tanks or injection components. Exhaust Fumes You should never smell toxic fumes inside your car. If you do smell exhaust smoke, it is important to stop driving until you can get your car to an auto repair shop. Exhaust fumes, depending on how much they’ve been processed, can cause health issues and eve ... read more